Outside Learning
The Green Apples have been very busy in our Forest School. Look at all the fun we have had!
Here are the Red Apples having fun outside too!
Please see information about our activities and learning for this month in our October School Newsletter attached here. Please take note of the important dates and reminders.
Knockbreda Nursery School has loved welcoming our new Red and Green Apples for the start of their year in our happy school!
Our September Newsletter is attached here and this contains lots of useful information about our school and important diary dates for the year ahead.
Thank you to all of our pupils, parents and staff for their continued support of our eco ethos, here at Knockbreda Nursery School.
School is delighted to have successfully reapplied for our Green Flag award!
Please see the comments from our Green Flag Assessors below:
Congratulations to all concerned - staff and pupils alike, and not forgetting the caretaker and many parents who helped your school achieve its environmental targets.
The assessors made the following comments about the strengths of your school :
Excellent participation from the whole nursery on the Eco Committee.
Great links and work with Eco Schools delivery partners and other great initiatives such as Earth Day, Energy Saving Week and Comic Relief Day.
Great to see the children taking part in the Busta Bake Challenge which really ties in with their Waste topic.
The Eco Schools Team loved the idea of you School Eco Promise Wall – great idea!
Fantastic to see pupils enjoying so much time spent outdoors, incorporating their learning with nature.
Thank you to all of our parents and carers for their generous contributions on our Sun Safety Day!
Together, we raised £93.00 for the Cancer Fund for Children! Many thanks to you all.
For information about our final month together at Knockbreda Nursery School, please see our June Newsletter here.
Following the success of our Eco Week, Earth Day and Energy Saving Home Challenge, the Nursery children have been making their eco promises.
The children and their families all selected an eco promise to make;
making space for nature
recycling more,
using less water
saving energy
Each of these family promises was represented by a colour.
The children each had the opportunity to tie their chosen ribbon to the Eco Promise Wall to create a rainbow of ribbons on our Eco Promise Wall.
Thank you to all our Knockbreda families for helping to support our Eco School!
What a wonderful return to Nursery we have had after our Easter break!
The sun was shining on most days and the children have been busy learning indoors and outdoors.
The boys and girls are making the very most of the play provision on offer and they are thoroughly enjoying our Forest School sessions.
This month Nursery will be beginning a new topic, All Creatures Great and Small which will focus on learning on minibeasts.
Find out more in our May School Newsletter.
Welcome to Term 3!
We hope you all had a relaxing Easter break.
It has been a wonderful first week back and the children have made full use of our three outdoor spaces, where they have been enjoying learning and playing in the sunny weather!
Find out what will be happening in Nursery this month in our April Newsletter.
Dr Mitchell-Barrett
Welcome back to school Red and Green Apples! We have missed you all!
The boys and girls have had such a happy first week back at school. They have loved seeing all of their friends again and starting our new topic Fairytale Fantasy. The children have all enjoyed returning to play in their favourite areas of school, both indoors and outdoors!
Here is a little flavour of what our ‘apples’ have been up to during their first week back at Knockbreda Nursery School!
Green Apples
Red Apples
This week we are celebrating our love of books through our remote learning Book Week activities.
Even though we are not all together in school just now, we are celebrating World Book Day ‘together but apart’.
Red Apples- World Book Day 2021- Click on the photos to see more
Green Apples- World Book Day 2021- Click on the photos to see more
We are looking forward to welcoming all of our Red and Green Apples back to school on Monday 8 March 2021. Please find attached our March Newsletter.
Dear Parents and Carers
As we come to the end of this half-term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work in supporting your children and our school since the start of January. School is not the same without all our Red and Green Apples and we miss them very much. Thank you for helping to assist your child's learning and development, whilst also juggling the many challenges we are all currently facing.
It has not been easy trying to meet the needs of our young children (both emotionally and educationally), meeting work deadlines and trying to keep our homes calm in these uncertain times. We have all done the very best that we can, and you deserve a big 'well done' for making it to half-term!
I would also like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all our school staff for the work they have undertaken to operate ongoing childcare support for the children of key workers, whilst continuing to provide high quality remote learning resources for the children staying at home.
Hopefully after half-term, we will receive information from the Department of Education about our return to the classrooms and we will look forward to being together again at school. In the meantime, new Contingency Packs have been sent home for your child and the videos to support each learning activity in the pack will be made available via our website after half-term. Please only use the current topic Contingency Packs (as outlined on the website clips) to support the learning videos uploaded each day. These have been carefully organised to cover the termly topic content, in line with our pre-school curriculum here at Knockbreda Nursery School.
If you have been unable to collect your new pack this week for use after half-term, these will be available again for collection on Monday 22nd February.
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy half-term break.
Kind regards,
Dr Mitchell-Barrett