Easter Break
Easter break begins Friday 11th April at 11am after our Easter Egg Hunt and craft activities.; no school lunches served. School reopens Monday 28th April.
Easter break begins Friday 11th April at 11am after our Easter Egg Hunt and craft activities.; no school lunches served. School reopens Monday 28th April.
Spend the day inspiring awareness of and appreciation for our environment.
School is closed for the May Day Bank Holiday.
Spend the Day doing fun crafts and trying exotic foods while learning about various cultures!
School is closed for staff development day.
Closed for Spring Bank Holiday
Parent meetings begin Wednesday 4th June and end Friday 6th June
More information will be sent closer to the time. We look forward to seeing you!
Celebrate World Environment Day!
Red Apples Show - Thursday 19th June at 11am.
Green Apples Show - Friday 20th June at 11am.
The school year ends for pupils at 11am on Thursday 27th June.
Happy Summer everyone!
Spend the day raising awareness of the importance of recycling and encourage people to take action to reduce waste and protect the environment.
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
The Nursery will be closed today.
Today we will celebrate World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book character. We will also have lots of book themed activities to do in Nursery.
Parent meetings begin Wednesday 26th February and end Friday 28th February
More information will be sent closer to the time. We look forward to seeing you!
Half-term begins at 11am on the Friday 7th February; no school lunches. School reopens on Monday 17th February.
Have a lovely break!
Mental Health Week
Open Afternoon from 2.00-3.00pm for prospective parents. Knockbreda Nursery School welcomes new parents to come and look around our wonderful setting, meet the staff and to find out more about life at Knockbreda Nursery School!
Christmas break begins Friday 20th December at 11am; no school lunches served. School reopens Monday 6th January at 8.30am..
Have a lovely break!
Christmas Jumper Day
Wear a Christmas jumper, donate and raise money for Save the Children.
Red Apples sing-along - Thursday 12th December
Green Apples sing-along - Friday 13th December
Open Morning from 10.0am - 12noon for prospective parents. Knockbreda Nursery School welcomes new parents to come and look around our wonderful setting, meet the staff and to find out more about life at Knockbreda Nursery School!
Celebrate with us by wearing something blue!
Children in Need day
Wear your Pudsey ears and donate to Children in Need! We will have lots of Pudsey themed activities taking place in Nursery!
World Nursery Rhyme Week begins Monday 11th November and ends Friday 15th November
Parent meetings begin Wednesday 6th November and end Friday 8th November.
More information will be sent closer to the time. We look forward to seeing you!
Half term begins Friday 25th October at 11am; no school lunches served. School reopens Monday 4th November.
Have a lovely break!
Halloween family drop in
We welcome all current families to drop in to our Family night where we will have lots of activities, refreshments and games! It is also a chance to have a look around the setting and make some fun crafts with your family.
Come to Nursery in your Hats and Shades to raise money for the Cancer Fund!
Closed for St Patricks Day
Closed for School Development Day
A story to encourage recycling; especially at Christmas, in collaboration with Belfast City Council.
We invite you to attend our preschool curriculum meeting through our Getting Ready to Learn initiative, on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 12- 12.30pm.
To give us an indication of numbers, Please email info@knockbredanursery.co.uk to advise if you plan to attend.
Recycle week begins Monday 25th September and ends Friday 29th September
School will finish at 11am on Thursday 29th for the Summer. No school lunches will be served.
Children finish at normal time on Friday 26th May 2023 and return on Wednesday 31st May 2023 as normal.
School will be closed due to the campus being used as a polling station for the local council election. We will re-open as normal on Friday 19th May 2023
School will be closed for the Bank Holiday for the Coronation weekend. We will re-open as normal on Tuesday 9th May 2023.
School will be closed for the Bank Holiday for the Coronation weekend. We will re-open as normal on Tuesday 9th May 2023.
School will be closed on Monday 1st May 2023.
School will reopen on Tuesday 2nd May 2023 as normal.
Children finish at 11am on Wednesday 5th April 2023 and return Thursday 20th April 2023 as normal.
Happy Easter!