Eco News

There was exciting news at today’s Eco Meeting!

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As a school we are committed to outdoor play and the value of the Forest School approach. In order to further enhance these opportunities, Knockbreda Nursery School made an application to the lottery funded Awards for All grant scheme to apply for an eco classroom. The school is delighted that we were successful in our application and it is anticipated that our eco classroom will be installed in our Forest School in time for Term 3!

The eco classroom will allow the children a sheltered and designated learning area for activities, table tasks and snack-time, with full lighting and heating installed. The eco classroom will also include an eco toilet and hand washing facilities. The classroom has the option of video camera installation to allow the children to watch and observe the local wildlife first hard via the classroom’s bird box camera. The lottery grant award is £10, 000 and this will cover the basic classroom cost and fit.

 The Eco Committee originally suggested the idea of a ‘shelter’ for Forest School at our first meeting in October…how exciting that this idea can now become a reality!


Posted on February 15, 2019 and filed under Eco-Schools.